Creative & Natural Travel Photo Posing

Someone recently asked me about my natural posing techniques for photos, which was a great question. I’ve only recently become more at ease with posing for pictures.

As a new fashion blogger I used to have a set of poses that I liked and thought would show off my outfits. When I began to incorporate more travel in my blog I realized that I needed to switch up my poses.

Travel photos aren’t always the best for fashion poses. I soon realized that I had to be more playful and spontaneous. Every time I took a picture, I tried to look at the camera and be more natural. Here are some tips on how to naturally pose for travel pictures, even if you feel uncomfortable doing so.

Posing for pictures

Use some movement– This is something that friends have told me in the past, but it’s really hard to master. First thoughts: How in the hell are you supposed move? Why would I walk when you are photographing me if I am a klutz? What else should I move? Do I pat my hair down? Do I have to look into the camera? It was a little awkward to begin with.

I recommend that you start by simply walking as someone takes a picture. Keep a normal pace and take regular strides. Be sure to take a pause in between each step. There are way too many photos that have blurred because they were taken in motion.

You can then add other movements to your walk: glance at the side or down, grab sunglasses, tuck hair behind the ear, touch your hat brim, etc. This makes your photos look more natural, and it gives the impression that you are actually out exploring rather than rigidly posing.

It is important to wear the right clothing. Boater hats are my favorite because they’re not too glamorous, and also keep the sun off your face (double benefit of wearing them).

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